Cellular and Molecular Immunology Micro-Credential Course

🎓🎓🎓 “Cellular and Molecular Immunology Micro-Credential Course 🎓🎓🎓

Organized by the Medical Family Mandalay (MFM) Academic Committee and Dr A P Wai from Shimane University, Japan, a “Cellular and Molecular Immunology Micro-Credential Course” will be conducted for undergraduate and postgraduate students from medical and medical alliance universities for a total of 48 hours from next Saturday (22.1.2022).

Completion Certificate will be awarded for the course if it meets the completion criteria set by the Academic Committee and the course instructor. Since credit points are being considered for career development in the Federal Education System, we are making efforts to include this certificate as a credit point.

If you are interested in this course, you can register through our Medical Family Mandalay – MFM facebook page. Due to the limited number of participants, registration will be closed when the number is reached.

The MFM Academic Committee

We Must Win !!

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