flowers soaked with sorrow and honor

Three flowers to build democracy

Three flowers to combat dictatorship

Three flowers to inspire revolutionary spirit

My beloved Brothers and sister,

I woke up early and went to your mourning ceremony yesterday. On my way to the ceremony, I felt our Mandalay is not like I have experienced before. There were sparse people on roads and streets.

Minutes later, I arrived at the ceremony.

We held the ceremony by placing your photos at the entrance of a building. It was beside on a narrow street. The environment was very quite. In front of your photos, there was a series of flowers we have placed for you all. Everyone was holding a rose on their hand too.

We wished you all rest in peace for a few minutes. Also, we vowed to continue this fight until we achieved our victory, and to support in building a Federal Government.

Throughout the ceremony, I was shocked and felt sorrow at the same time. However, I am very proud of your steadfast courage and willingness to invest your life for the future of the country.

It is tragic that we lost you all in this revolution.

You all are our heroes, young flowers. We will always remember and you all will always be in our heart.

Let me save your fallen date as follow:

  1. Dr. Thiha Tin Tun – passed away on 27 March 2021 in Mandalay.
  2. Dr. Phyo Thant Wai – passed away on 27 March 2021 in Wan-Dwin, Sagain Region.
  3. Ma Thinzar Hein – passed away on 28 March 2021 in Mon Ywar, Sagain Region.

Again, farewell my beloved brothers and sister!

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