Medical Family-Mandalay’s 100 Webinars Anniversary

The education sector of Myanmar is totally collapsed since Myanmar’s military seized power from civilian government. As the military coup is totally unacceptable, students and teachers from universities are actively participated in civil disobedience movement to fight for democracy.

Medical Family-Mandalay (MFM) has formed TeleEducation Group with representatives from various universities, and decided to establish tele education program with CDM affiliated teachers and staffs.

The tele education program provides continuous medical educations to junior doctors and medical students who decline to attend classes administered by the junta. Moreover, the team have tried to organise numerous educational webinar series with both local and international instructors. Started rom May 7, there are 100 webinars and 13725 total attendees.

We believe this tele education program will support crisis-affected medical professionals by offering safe and quality education during this hard time.


We Fight, We Win

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